Nong Bua Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Phitsanulok Basin (northern Central Plain) 2nd (upward) of 8 formations in the Phitsanulok Gr.
Synonym: หมวดหินหนองบัว
[Figure: Map showing the Tertiary basins of Thailand, with Phetchabun basin highlighted. The solid black lines onshore are the principal rivers draining Northern and Central Thailand and the Khorat Plateau (Morley and Racey, 2011, page 224).]
Lithology and Thickness
Alluvial plain coarse sandstones and conglomerates (); But Lexicon of Stratigraphic Names of Thailand of 2013 described it as "red-brown claystone with minor coarse- to fine-grained lithic sandstone; medium-to coarse-grained calcareous lithic sandstone, grey to varicoloured claystone occurred at the top and as rare intercalations within the formation". 1000 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Overlies the Sarabop Fm
Upper contact
Overlain by the Khom Fm
Regional extent
Phitsanulok Basin (northern Central Plain) is the largest individual rift basin complex in Thailand. Sukhothai and Kamphaeng Phet provinces.
Depositional setting
Alluvial fan to low-energy alluvial plain
Additional Information